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My Dear Friend, O. bei,

Wow.. YOU beat him within an inch of his life))

Do they really know anything about you? SHT, you’re facing such a stupid, ridiculous stuff there!

Seriously - Sorry for this article, sorry for Kyrgyzstan, Sorry.

You’re awesome, man. Let it be, let them bark. Don’t take it to close.

Жаль за вашу газету, я знаю о ком вы написали - он избил-убил??? Смех на вам, стыд вам.

Ohh ohh

This newspaper had included false allegations in their reporting; this is a very CLEAR CASE of LIBEL. You made a defamatory statement, which is an OBVIOUSE false cause to be shunned personally, publically and injures in his business.

Shame on you!

28.01.2014, 19:44